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Southern Italian Heritage

Calabria, Italy

Entry 29: Seven Pairs of 'Zzoccoli' and a Photograph - Setti Para di Zzoccoli e na Futografia
Cunzia gazed into the lens of the camera knowing that very soon her eldest son was going to leave Italy and join her husband in Australia.

Entry 27: A Donkey, Two Cows, Broad Beans, Chickpeas and Five Children - A Sumera, Dui Vacchi, Favi, Ciciri e Cincu Cotrari
The foreign world of coal mining in America faded into a distant dream, almost forgotten. The countryside was where Andrea truly belonged.

Entry 26: A Second Voyage to America by Andrea - U Secundu Viaggiu pa America
Andrea Moschilla departed from Naples on a sea voyage to America to work in coal mines. He left his newlywed wife Cecilia Pedulla in Italy.

Entry 25: The Marriage of Andrea Moschilla and Cecilia Pedulla - U Matrimoniu di Andrea Moschilla e Cecilia Pedulla
Sadly, within 3 months, bride and groom separated. Andrea returned to America to resume working in mines while Cecilia remained in Calabria.

Entry 24: Andrea Moschilla
On 4 March 1875, at 11:13 pm, in their home on via Flavia, Fortunata Fragomeni and Francesco Moschilla's son, Andrea, was born.

Entry 23: Maria Cecilia Pedulla
Born in 1877, Cecilia was a gentle and unique woman, shaped by the cultural norms of her era, with one exception - she could read and write.

Entry 22 : Announcing the Marriage of Andrea Moschilla and Cecilia Pedulla
Much like seeds drifting in the wind, the news of Andrea's return from America to marry Cecilia spread for kilometres across rural Siderno.

Entry 21: Immigration to the USA by Andrea Moschilla ‘Po Pani e Lavuru' - for Bread and Work
Andrea was not a miner. In Siderno he lived his life under an azure sky surrounded by wheat fields, fragrant citrus trees and olive groves.

Entry 20: A Puzzle with Missing Pieces - Moschilla Migration to the United States
Andrea Moschilla's voyage to America in the early 1900's was a puzzle. Missing pieces of evidence threatened to keep the story a mystery.

Entry 19: Francesco Moschilla and Fortunata Fragomeni
Family tree for Francesco Moschilla and Fortunata Fragomeni was compiled from oral history passed down from Girolomo Moschilla to his son.

Entry 18: A Deteriorating yet Perfect Photograph - A Struduta pero Perfetta Fotografia
Three Moschilla relatives linger on torn and stained paper - their ghostly images refusing to fade into oblivion.

Entry 17: 1933 - A Moschilla/Trimboli Wedding and a Casella/Pintabona Birth
As she walked down the church aisle, bride Cuncia could feel the two-lire coin her mother placed in her right shoe for good luck.

Entry 16: Cuncia's Dowry - A Dota da Cuncia
A reclining Japanese woman, wearing a kimono, found a welcoming place to rest in rural Siderno - on Cuncia and Sarvu's marital bed.

Entry 15: When Baby Concetta was Born - Quandu a Figghiolella Concetta Nesciu
On Monday 15 May 1911, Peppe and Angela’s eighth surviving child, Cuncia, was born and like all previous births, it was a home-delivery.

Entry 14: The Fleece of Two Sheep Makes One Blanket - Ca Lana i Dui Pecuri Faci na Cuverta
The fleece of two sheep was needed to make this woollen blanket for the dowry of Cuncia's daughter, Girolama.

Entry 13: Crafting the Giuseppe Trimboli Lira - A Lira du Peppe Trimboli
Artisans continue to handcraft the instrument using traditional techniques and materials sourced from nature.

Entry 12: She Wasn't Beautiful, But ... - No Iera Pulita, Ma ...
She definitely wasn't beautiful but there was something special about her that demanded your attention whenever she walked by.

Entry 11: From Humble Olive to Liquid Gold - D'allivi a l'ogghiu doru
"Allivi sunnu pronti u si cogghinu." "The olives are ready for picking." Angela's observations determined the start of the harvest season.

Entry 9: A Farmer Marries and Only Child – Part 2
After an untimely death, Angela and her mother were threatened with eviction from their home. A marriage to Peppe would solve this dilemma.

Entry 8: Rosa
In 1945, Rosa was living in the town of Loci with husband, Pietro, and young daughters Marietta, Angelina and Teresa - when tragedy struck.
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